Customize the homepage in Zendesk settings without code
You can add:
Your colors, fonts, icons
Info block
Custom blocks
Category list/tree/accordion
Promoted articles list/accordion
Recent activity
Contact boxes
Submit a request CTA
Customize the article page in Zendesk settings without code
You can add:
Your colors, fonts, icons
Articles in section
Print button
Social sharing
Articles boxes (link, icon, title)
The layout uses spacing efficiently and has easily distinguishable elements and blocks.
Prominent section titles, article lists, and buttons match your branding.
An additional block displays useful information for ticket submission.
The footer has customizable links for social media.
Post lists display easily distinguishable individual posts with user avatars. It makes the visual part of the Community more friendly. The theme also has a Print button on the Post page.
Clear design and spacing allow quicker navigation through search results. The Filter menu is optimized for accessibility.
The error page has become more informative. It shows a list of Promoted articles and offers an option to submit a ticket.
All pages align with your chosen style (fonts, colors, icons).
Hier finden Sie die Änderungen, die Sie mithilfe unserer Produkte an Ihrem Help Center vornehmen können. Lassen Sie Ihrer künstlerischen Ader freien Lauf, während Sie ein einzigartiges und Kunstwerk erschaffen, das Aufmerksamkeit erregt!